PURPLE DAWN – DOOM-POWER-TRIO from Cologne, Germany
It’s always the balance between things. Hard riffing energy and heart hitting melody, good and bad, high and low, future and past and sometimes far and beyond. That’s why Purple Dawn call their music “Peace & Doom”.
Heavily inspired by bands like Pentagram and Black Sabbath, Purple Dawn offers a perfect blend of classic Doom-Rock and modern Slow-Metal like Windhand, REZN or even Mastodon. In contrast to the majority of bands in the genre, Purple Dawn has got a variety of styles in their songs – it’s like putting on a Led Zeppelin record where no song sounds like the other.
The three-piece was founded in early 2020. Just a few months later the Peace & Doom Session Vol.I came out and it shows a band that seems to play together for years already. In 2021 Purple Dawn hit the studio for the second chapter: Peace & Doom Session Vol.II
Keep your eyes open and praise Iommi.
Floating and dreamy melodies with a psychedelic edge, hit on riff laden Doom–Rock and the sounds of nomadic rituals. Sit back, hush and turn off your lights, feel the ancient powers of the moon above us and listen to a story about endlessly wandering on the winding roads of life and this earth. Listen to “The Moon Song” by Purple Dawn.
„PEACE & DOOM“ – Tape release Dec 18th, 2020
>> SOLD OUT <<
„(…) Whilst I really enjoyed the studio tracks, it was the live set that really endeared me to this album. The studio tracks definitely show that Purple Dawn have the ability to create catchy and memorable doom metal, and it also showed off a compositional style that is far more modern than the live set might give away. However, hearing a band play live with such enthusiasm and spirit in the face of adversity is a real joy, and at the end of this year there’s nothing I want more than to feel the energy of a live show. If you’re a doom fan in the same predicament, then Peace & Doom Volume 1 is a must listen.“
„(…) hey are, on both sides, an engaging newcomer group obviously looking to show listeners what they’re all about. As you stream “Into the Shadowland” below ahead of the arrival of Peace & Doom Session Vol. 1, the vocals come through pretty prominently through my speakers, but that’s less the case on the studio version of “Atlantis,” so it might just be me. The band also offer more breadth in the instrumental “Verwunschen” between the two more straightforward cuts, so there’s very clearly even more to the story than this substantial initial offering is letting on.“
„(…) Peace & Doom Session Vol. 1 ist eine gelungene Darbietung von Purple Dawn. Der mächtige Doom der drei Kölner eignet sich gut zum gemächlichem Headbangen. Die B-Seite des (übrigens auf nur 50 Exemplare limitierten) Tapes stellt insbesondere das melodische Potenzial der Heavy Rocker unter Beweis.“